Ethos of Presentation Secondary School Ballyphehane
Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane is a Catholic co-educational Voluntary Secondary School which has a Catholic ethos under the patronage of CEIST (Catholic Education an Irish Schools’ Trust).
Mission Statement
At Presentation Secondary School, Ballyphehane, we are inspired by the vision of Nano Nagle in promoting a faith community underpinned by Gospel values and a holistic response to the spiritual, moral, social, intellectual and physical needs of each student.
“Striving for Excellence in a Christian Environment
– Ag saothrú na sáraíochta, le spiorad na Críostaíochta”
We aim to:
● Strive for excellence in a Christian environment.
Foster an understanding and critical appreciation of Christian values - moral, spiritual, religious, social and cultural.
● Foster a spirit of self-reliance, innovation, initiative and imagination and to prepare students for life.
● Create tolerant, caring and politically aware members of society.
● Nurture a sense of personal identity, self-esteem thus cultivating an awareness of the student’s unique abilities and aptitudes which develop a respect for the rights and beliefs of others.
● Raise awareness of students national and European heritage and identity, coupled with a global awareness and respect for different traditions and cultures
At Presentation Secondary School, our day to day actions, Behaviours, and policies are centred around the following five root beliefs:
We believe that:
● God is at the centre of everything we do
● We can make a positive difference to each other
● Learning flourishes in a caring, safe and respectful environment.
● Every person belongs here
● Success is our best effort