Student Support


Formal Student Support Structure

We have a formal student support structure which enables us to support students with individual care and attention 

  • Every class has a class teacher 

  • Every year has a year head

  • All students have access to our guidance counsellor 

  • We have a dedicated student support team who meet once a week to support all students under the National Educational Psychological Services (NEPS) Framework  - Support for All, Support for Some and Support for Individual students 

  • Every 3rd and 6th Year student has an academic monitor (teacher who volunteers) who meets them individually three or four times a year to mentor them during their exam year 

  • We offer a peer support structure whereby every 1st Year student has a 5th Year "Cara" (friend) who supports him or her in her transition to Presentation Secondary School


Guidance and Counselling

The role of the Guidance and Counselling service at Presentation Secondary School is:

  • To assist each student in their personal, educational and career choices.

  • To support each student educationally.

  • To provide a support to students experiencing difficulties in their lives.

    The service is operated by a qualified and experienced guidance counsellor, together with a strong Student Support Team who meet weekly. The aim of the team is:

  • To keep ‘Well’ students ‘Well’.

  • To organise events and talks that will keep the Students aware of mental health issues.

  • To organise different events that will encourage physical activity for the whole student population.

  • To deal with any student difficulties as they arise and organise support for either an ongoing or for a once off difficulty.


1st Year Induction

At Presentation Secondary School, we make every effort to make the transition from Primary to Secondary school as easy as possible. We are very aware that this transition is can cause some anxiety for both students and parents alike. Therefore, we take the following steps to ease that anxiety.

  • A School-in-Action day when students are in 5th/6th class, so they can begin to become familiar with the school environment and experience the ‘School in Action’.

  • A multi activity camp to bring the students in to the school again and get to know some of the boys and girls that may be in their class as well as some of the teachers.

  • In June, incoming students and parents are invited to meet with the Principal or Deputy Principal individually to voice any concerns before commencing 1st year.

  • We have a ‘Meitheal’ (Support) group in place for 1st year students made up of 5th year students. Each 1st year student is allocated a ‘Cara’ (friend) who will be their mentor for the duration of their 1st Year

  • The ‘Meitheal’ group will be involved in our 1st year induction day in August, as well as organising lunchtime activities for the students, which will make lunchtime a social, active time for students